Halotestin – Swiss Remedies | 100 tab – 5 mg / tab


  • Country of origin Switzerland
  • Release form 100 tablets – 5 mg / table
  • Active ingredient Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone)
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HALOTESTIN | 100 tab – 5 mg / tab | Fluoxymesterone Swiss Remedies


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  • Anabolic activity – 1900% of testosterone[2]
  • Androgenic activity – 850% of testosterone (very high)
  • Aromatization (conversion to estrogen) – absent
  • Suppression of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis – pronounced
  • Liver toxicity – very high
  • Method of administration – inside (tablets)
  • Duration of action – 6-9 hours
  • Detection time – 2 months

The active components of this steroid contribute to the improvement of physical fitness indicators, improve the quality of muscles, but do not stimulate the growth of muscle mass. Basically, the steroid is used by weightlifters and representatives of other strength sports who wish to remain in their weight category.

In fact, the drug is a powerful anabolic and androgenic steroid. With its help, athletes not only increase strength, but also give the muscles hardness and attractiveness. However, do not forget that this steroid belongs to the category of the most dangerous, therefore, in order to achieve specific results in sports, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions of a specialist.


This steroid, as mentioned above, should be taken in strict accordance with the recommendations of a specialist. In this case, the athlete will be able to achieve the following results:

  • An increase in aggression
  • Improving the quality of muscles, giving it relief,
  • On long courses, a slight increase in mass is possible,
  • The active components of the drug contribute to the stimulation of hemoglobin synthesis processes, which in turn increases endurance. When taken correctly, the drug also improves oxygen transport. As a result, the effect of rollback is minimized and the endurance of the athlete increases,
  • Getting rid of body fat. However, this is a secondary effect associated with taking this steroid.


Taking a steroid for women is highly contraindicated. For athletes, on average, the duration of the course can be 4 weeks, while the specialist can prescribe a daily dosage in the range of 20 to 50 mg. At the same time, athletes choose this drug directly in the period of preparation for sports competitions. But, before starting the course, it is mandatory to undergo a consultation with a specialist and pass all the necessary tests.

It is allowed to take this steroid in combination with other drugs. Most often, this drug is taken by athletes in combination with Primobolan, Winstrol and Anabol. Taking the drug in combination with Anavar can increase the effectiveness of the drug in courses aimed at increasing endurance and strength of the mass.

It is worth noting that this drug should be taken with great care, since side effects should be expected from prostate hyperplasia, adenoma, the likelihood of oncological diseases, liver toxicity increases.


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