Stanozolol – Vermodje | 100 tab – 10 mg / tab


  • Country of origin Moldova
  • Release form 100 tabs – 10 mg/tab
  • Active ingredient Stanozolol
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Stanover | 100 tab – 10 mg / tab | Stanozolol Vermodje


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The active components of the drug contribute to a qualitative increase in muscle mass and a significant increase in physical fitness indicators. Many athletes compare the activity of this drug with Danabol.

To date, not a single course designed for drying muscles can do without Stanozolol (Winstrol). This drug allows not only to improve the relief of the muscles, but also to give the muscles a venous visibility.

Basically, this drug is used in combined courses designed for gaining and drying mass. Much less often, athletes decide to take the drug solo.


  • Anabolic Effect 320% of Testosterone
  • Androgenic effect 30% Testosterone
  • Improving the relief of the gained mass,
  • Increasing indicators of physical fitness,
  • increased appetite,
  • Relatively rapid removal of fluid from the body,
  • The presence of antiestrogenic properties,
  • Getting rid of body fat
  • Complete lack of conversion to estrogen.

However, choosing this steroid, do not forget that it can also cause side effects. Therefore, athletes who deliberately go against the advice of a specialist can expect side effects such as facial and body hair growth, oily skin, baldness, virilization, etc.


Even a solo course of taking this drug allows the athlete to achieve excellent results.It is enough to take a steroid per day at a dosage of 2 to 8 tablets per day, while the duration of the course can be approximately 8-12 weeks. It is very important to get professional advice before starting the course, thus, not only to increase the effectiveness of the course, but also to avoid the manifestation of possible adverse reactions.

However, experienced athletes prefer to take combinations of the drug for maximum effect. For example, the most effective combinations at the moment are taking Stanozolol together with Testosterone, Anadrol, Danobol, Nandrolone, etc.


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