Sustanon + Stanozolol




Course Stanozolol + Sustanon 250

Initially, it should be noted that the proposed combination of drugs is more suitable for beginners and amateur athletes. Dosages are selected in such a way as to avoid side effects and overdose as much as possible. If your level is already much higher than the initial level, then it is advisable to use an order of magnitude higher daily rate of steroids. The Stanozolol + Sustanon 250 course includes one oral and one injectable steroid. These two drugs are widely used by both beginners and experienced athletes who are very well versed in steroids. The presented course is considered affordable, considering the pricing policy and is very effective in terms of gaining mass and strength. Often, such combinations are made by security officials in the way that these two steroids in one course can provide any athlete with simply tremendous strength and endurance. This allows you to work with large weights and recover very quickly.

By combining these two steroids, the athlete is able to build muscle well. Sustanon 250, which is included in this course, includes 4 types of testosterone, which provide the athlete with constant activity, this is achieved by the fact that they enter the work in turn. Sustanon has excellent anabolic properties, which leads to rapid muscle growth, but aromatization is also present and provokes some fluid accumulation. Due to moderate dosages, fluid retention is very small and side effects are not able to occur. But still, if you intend to buy a course for mass, then you just need a drug that has aromatization, this is how you can quickly gain muscle volume.

The use of Stanozolol in this course helps to reduce aromatization and, accordingly, significantly reduces the retention of excess fluid, which will ensure better growth and long-term preservation of results. For the most part, this is the main task of Stanozolol, given that it does not have high rates in the field of anabolic effect, but still gives its irreplaceable advantages. Due to good drying in the course of Stanozolol and Sustanon, there will be no accumulation of fat cells, and an increase in strength and endurance will help to conduct really high-quality strength training. If you can work with large weights and constantly increase them, then success in building muscle is guaranteed to you.

How to take the course – dosages

Reception of the main steroids is designed for 5 weeks, these are the minimum indicators for the duration of administration for these drugs. If your weight category is not higher than 90 kg, then this course and dosages will work effectively. How to take the course and the chosen dosages correctly is exactly what will help you get a good result and not face side effects. It can definitely be argued that such steroids are taken in a variety of ways, but the proposed scheme is considered a classic which is used by many old and new athletes.

Stanozolol – aka Strombafort tablets 100 pcs. in a pack is taken every day without gaps. The first week of the course is to use the smallest doses of 20 mg. one tab. in the morning and one tab. in the evening. The next week requires an increase to 30 mg. 1 tab. in the morning, 1 tab. at lunch and 1 tab. in the evening. The next week will consist of 40 mg. steroid per day, 2 tab. in the morning and 2 tab. in the evening. Stanozolol is best taken with water, and taken after meals.

Sustanon 250 – 10 ampoules are needed for 5 weeks, 2 ampoules per week. The drug is administered strictly intramuscularly and never intravenously. Injections are best done in the gluteal muscle. Days for injections Monday 1ml. and Thursday 1 ml., so throughout the course. The drug can be injected at any time of the day convenient for you, not necessarily before training. It makes no sense to store in the refrigerator, it will not be lost.

Clomid – 20 tab. it is believed that this drug on PCT should be in the first aid kit of every bodybuilder. This is not a steroid, but a PCT that helps the athlete restore the production of his own testosterone. It does not affect the suppression of female hormones and does not cure side effects, it simply restores the hormonal background. It is taken 2-3 weeks after the main course, 1 tab. every day for 20 days.

This course is very well suited for both beginners and more experienced athletes. Dosages are taken not large and often used for a safe course. No side effects have been observed in practice, with the exception of a deliberate and strong increase in dosages. For a normal exit from the course of Stanozolol and Sustanon, it is recommended to purchase Clomid. It will help to quickly restore your body after taking anabolic steroids.

For this course you will need:

Sustanon (Balkan) 16 ampoules or 2 bottles of 10 ml

Stanozolol (Balkan) 1 pack 100 tabl

Clomed (Balkan) 20 tab.

P.S. The price may vary depending on the manufacturer.


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